Friday, April 24, 2009

A bathtub is not a pratical place to have sex

Someone always ends up on their back bleeding and crying, or knocking out a few teeth. Case in point; I was with this guy who wanted to f$ck me while showering, and I thought... sure. I was curious as to how he was going to manage the lube until I realized he intended to use shower gel to slide up into me. Have you ever had a load of soap suds up your @ss? Well it burns. The next thing I know, this fool is fingering me with a soapy finger while whispering he can't wait to get dirty again... the body is a funny creation. When it is in pain it sort of reflexively does stuff like pull away from the source of the pain, in this case the soap which wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't a guy holding on to my ass for dear life as a means of support. This guy fell forward face first into my soapy suddy @$$, got an eye full of the soap, was blinded, then fell backwards onto his back... I'm happy to report that I was fine... he didn't make out quite so well, while thrashing about trying to get out of the tub, he again slipped and fell face first knocking free a few... ouch. I feel sort of bad about just taking my money and leaving him there like that but what was I supposed to do? Call 911 and wait for them to come? I do hope he's alright... though I think I'm going to abstain from the tub/shower sex for a while or forever.

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