Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I knew it was going to be strange

When I arrived he had no expression upon his face what so ever. For the first 10 minutes we sat in silence. That happens sometimes; the guy hiring you is so overwhelmed with what he has done, that he is actually going through with it, hiring someone for sex, that he has to take a moment to reflect. They come around eventually, usually after 2 or three minutes but this guy... Just the two of us squared off against each other, taking each other in- it was weird. Not a peep, not a smile; no indication that he was even alive. I was about to leave when out of nowhere, he stood, removed his shorts, and pulled out a rather tiny and erect penis. Again with no words, or indication that I was even there, he began jacking off. I decided to take the initiative and go with the... 'Go-a-Head'. He screamed as I took him in his mouth. He's lucky I have excellent reflexes; a lesser person would have chomped his dick off in surprise; I calmly grabbed his wrists and placed his hands on top of my head and guided him with the rhythm of my... suction. It was almost as if he'd never had a blow job before. He was so intense; thrashing about, moaning, crying, sighing, heaving, and gnashing his teeth. If it weren't for his hands, if it weren't for the fact that he was now face f^cking me, I would have thought that I were hurting him- I would have stopped, but no- He didn't want me to stop. This was simply his way of expressing joy. And that's when I suddenly heard an old woman's voice: 'IRrrrrwiiiiinnnn?' I tried to pull up, but again, he kept me down and pressed into his crotch. 'Irrrwwiiinnn, are you doing something bad? Dirty bad little things Irrwiinnn. I always know when you're being bad!' At this point I didn't care about the blowjob, how hard he was holding me down, or the fact that he was spazzing out; I was freaked and I wanted off. As I pulled away, the voice started screaming, 'BAD!', and then he started cumming and screaming, and I just stood there transfixed as I took it all in. As his orgasm subsided, he fell into a fetal position like heap holding his freshly pleasured cock, and began rocking side to side as the creepy old woman's voice which was coming from behind a here to now unnoticed pink curtain cooed, 'There there Irrrrwwwiinnn, it's all better now. Don't you feel better that it's all betterrrrrrr now?' I stood there for about a minute of this before I had enough and pulled the curtain back to reveal an olde woman sitting in her wheelchair smiling through the beediest eyes I have ever seen before in my life. 'Hullo little boy, did you eeennnnjooooy yourselffff?' I was... paralyzed with- I don't know what, but it was so entrancing that I didn't even see her stand and grab my wrist with a vice like grip which could have turned granite to dust had it wished to do so. 'Thank you for the fun, but I think it's time you to-' and she motioned towards the door with her head. As she lead me over to the door, she pulled out an envelope, stuffed it down my pants and copped a feel. 'Goodness gracious what a bubble. Have a nice day now', and with that she shoved me out into the hallway. I... knew it was going to be strange when I arrived and he refused to speak... it all feels a bit 'Psycho'-esque in retrospect but... ugh. I think I need a bit of therapy.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Very strange indeed. BTW - I really enjoy your blog.

Working Whore said...

;) Thank you. I'm always happy to bring others pleasure.